Tuesday 5 April 2011

Drama: Freeze Frames - Retelling "The Story of Frog-Belly Rat Bone" by Timothy Basil Ering

1. There once was a boy in Cementland
who was searching for treasure

2. He found a box with specks and a note in it

3. He dug a hole....

...and planted the specks in the ground

4. When he came back the next day, the specks were gone!

5. He decided to make a monster to protect the specks.
He called it "Frog-Belly Rat Bone"!
6. Frog-Belly and the boy planted the specks again

7. Frog Belly protected the specks from robbers by scaring them away!

8. Frog Belly and the boy watered the specks
9. The robbers saw what Frog Belly and the boy were
 doing and they wanted to help

10. Soon flowers and plants grew. Everyone was over-joyed!

11. They enjoyed eating the delicious fruits and vegies!

Monday 4 April 2011

Writing Challenge!

1. Click on the link to view the picture of a setting:


2. On paper, brainstorm adjectives, verbs, adverbs and onomatopoeia to do with setting (like we did in class).

3. Write a paragraph (maximum 5 sentences) describing this setting and post it!

4. Remember to have a catchy title, interesting beginning and end with a hook! See if you can include some similes and metaphors.

We will choose the three best paragraphs and vote for the best one. The winner will get 10 points!!!

You have until Friday to get your paragraphs posted. Happy Writing! :D